Dervish Ceremony in Sultanahmet

Duration: 60 minutes (approx.)
Location: Sultanahmet / ISTANBUL
Whirling Dervish Ceremony in Sultanahmet/ Istanbul
“Be a lover , a lover. Choose love that you might be a chosen one.”
This is the Ceremony of the Spiritual Whirling Dervishes of Istanbul. You will experience the ritual, show of the Whirling Dervishes, take pictures, listen to the live music of the Whirling Dervishes in istanbul in a beautiful atmosphere. We start the ceremony with the live music with 4 musician. Then 4 or 5 dervishes will come to the ceremony hall and perform the ritual. Total ceremony will be app 1 hour.
Experience the Unique Whirling Dervish Ceremony
Take pictures and videos during the Show
Visit one of the Historical Ottoman Madrasa Building of Istanbul
For the Handicapped Guest ;
We have 2 steps only and suitable for wheelchair users. ( We can help our guests and give priority )
Sufi Music Concert & Whirling Dervishes Ceremony Istanbul Whirling Dervishes hosts regular Sufi music concerts and whirling dervish performances in Sultanahmet. This is a spiritual and informative tribute to 13th century mystic, poet and philosopher Mevlana C. Rumi and his followers. The Istanbul Whirling Dervishes programme starts with an introduction speech about Rumi, followed by Sufi Music and the 4-salam whirling dervish ceremony, giving life to 800 years tradition on the stage with their determination and faith for being a lifelong follower of Mevlevi tradition.
Our Madrasa is a most suitable place for the spiritual atmosphere of Sema ritual. Bridging the past and present through the music, our musicians play his legacy, bringing you a unique experience in the center of the city of Istanbul.
To give up one’s own existence and become non-existent in God , that is , to bind ones’s heart completely to God , is shortest way to God . Whoever has given his heart to the Divine Truth has no “self ” left . It is god who moves every particle of him. In this way that person no longer acts in accordance with his ego , doing the bad things that would cause harm to others. He has become enfolded in the moral principles of God . Exalted Mohammed and the Exalted Mevlana are examples of these qualities for us.

Mevlana is limitless being , unable to be contained by this world. He is the Divine Voice giving the good news to those seeking beauty , truth , goodness , light and Divine Truth. He is the voice of mercy offering consolation to those under tyranny. He is the breath of healing , bestowing health on those crying out in separation. He is the teacher of humanness to humans. He teaches that every thing is within the human being and that the whole universe is under man’s command.